Hey, had you seen Reniia around here???? To bad she missed such a good thread ....
i haven't read any jw stuff for some time now, but this morning i found an electronic copy of the current "our kingdom ministry" in my e-mail.
i had a quick flick through and realised how rude the "doorstep suggestions" are.
quote:what to say about the magazines .
Hey, had you seen Reniia around here???? To bad she missed such a good thread ....
communism is dead and the usa is a strongly christian, tolarant, democratic nation, it just won't happen here.
muslim nations are fanatical about their dedication....no chance.
it's silly to think of religions as a whole being banned....this is just a witness bad dream, never happen in a million years..
Reniaa: You wanna bet on this witness007?
Sometimes fulfillment is never how we expect it to happen, and turning on religion could be done slowly and subtly.
Jews to this day are still waiting for an actual messiah to overthrow rome :)
Reniaa, you want to bet on fulfilment of 1975 prophecy???
Iam serious! So what? How much?
Harris Charland - Montreal
Anybody knew him?
in light of the new convention going on; some of the topics were 1914 and 1975. the society is realizing their members are dropping like flies because of these lies.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaxbbvvoeeq.
to subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/jwmediafilms.
Absolutely excellent ... cant wait to present this to my wife!
This is a proof JWs are nothing but bunch of idiots (including me for almost 20 years...).
it seems to me that most of the borgs growth now is from 3rd world countries and from uneducated, poorer people.
i don't believe this was the case years ago.
and, there are a lot in that are stuck in.
I live in eastern Europe, by now many brothers income reaches the level of income of people in western countries, but till now the mentality is "The expenses will be paid by the "rich" brothers in America".
I see most brothers here donate much less than the value of literature taken.... big investments done in my country: new Bethel, two assembly halls, but general opinion is "we do the work, rich brothers in the west will pay the expenses..."
I believe the HQ are facing big financial issue ....
BTW... no donations from me for looooooong time....
i remember thinking growing up that i wasn't sure it was the true religion but because my family were so sure of themselves and so many people believed it that i loved and respected it had to of been the truth.. then, i reasoned that because we were the only ones who fulfilled the preaching work that there was no other way any other religion could be the true religion except us.
plus, we used jehovah's name and didn't take it out of the bible but the preaching work was really the main thing that kept me in.... i was always afraid to really study just the bible because i knew a ton of things might not be right.
otherwise, why would so many jws be afraid to run into a greek scholar out in field service.
When I studied with JWs (1990) I was told several times, there were some weired and stupid brothers who believed the end will come in 1975.... these were so stupid they were selling homes and taking loans... because of their stupid miscalculation .... I thought "Oh boy, they must had been really stupid, how could they get to such idiotic idea...."
Then - in 1995 - I was preparing talk for pioneer meeting .... got in the KH library ... opened several bound volumes .... and in one of them (I believe 15/08/1968) I spoted headline of a study article:
I read the article completely shocked, ... couldnt believe my eyes..... until that moment I believed 105% everything JW had said....from this moment my questioning and research started ....
BTW, my questioning ended up last year. Now I am inactive, fading, free, andy happy as never before.
last year i went secretely to vote in local elections for the first time in my life... i felt very bad and guilty for doing such a terrible satanic thing.... this weekend we had elections to eu parliament - this time i told my jw wife straight i go to vote and i take our son with me.
she did try some objections... but i said if it was such a deadly sin, wt wouldnt allow it (questions from readers 1999...).
so we were there with my son, i explained him how important it is to be rosponsible citizen .... how about you?
But then not voting is still voting, eh?
You are right, actually the very first info in media after elections is how many did/did not show up... so not coming also is a political statement....
Unless you tell the elders you are voting, how would they know?
For the first time I was very scared somebody will see me at the polling station and tell it to the elders... Now I dont really care, I wonder if this could be a reason for JC...?
last year i went secretely to vote in local elections for the first time in my life... i felt very bad and guilty for doing such a terrible satanic thing.... this weekend we had elections to eu parliament - this time i told my jw wife straight i go to vote and i take our son with me.
she did try some objections... but i said if it was such a deadly sin, wt wouldnt allow it (questions from readers 1999...).
so we were there with my son, i explained him how important it is to be rosponsible citizen .... how about you?
Last year I went secretely to vote in local elections for the first time in my life... I felt very bad and guilty for doing such a terrible satanic thing...
This weekend we had elections to EU parliament - this time I told my JW wife straight I go to vote and I take our son with me. She did try some objections... but I said if it was such a deadly sin, WT wouldnt allow it (questions from readers 1999...)
So we were there with my son, I explained him how important it is to be rosponsible citizen ...
How about you? If still fading JW, do you go to vote? Did anybody got in in troubles with elders for this? What was it like when you went for the first time?
if your partner is a zealous jw, does he/she knows you are coming here?.
do you try to keep it a secret?
did he/she found out...?
My wife found lately (I forgot this site on the screen .... ) when I came back in room she was looking at it... (her english is not very good...) looked upset at me and said "I dont like this site, the people here are very negative..." .
So I told her: "Dont worry honey, its just a social site, it is nothing bad..."
She see me being here very often... and I must admit, my wife is quite jealous at you...
you can review her few comments quickly, as she has made few of them to date.. she is a real fan of mine, borrowing my screen-name partially, and posting exclusively on my threads.
her watchtoweresque style is refreshing is it not?
she seems to believe that i am a total hypocrite - though nailing down her particular point of argument has been challenging.
Welcome Rekrul!
Good you are here!
BTW, is AK Jeff really such a terrible guy in his real life, or is he even worse????
Please let us know!
Welcome here!